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Indianapolis-based photography and film team. Our approach is simple and refined, all we want is to beautifully document love in its many forms.


I believe that our lives are made up of tiny, beautiful, and fleeting moments. My passion is capturing those moments and making them last forever in photographs.

Wedding Inspiration

Stevi Waggoner


Like most people these days, I spend too much time on Pinterest. I've been collecting beautiful wedding images for quite some time, but it occurred to me last night that it would be pretty fun to share those images with you. If you're planning a wedding then it's great for inspiration, if you are not planning a wedding it's still fun to look! I find myself sighing and swooning and thinking, "Maybe we'll have an anniversary party in a few years..." just to have a little mini wedding to decorate and plan. 


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​Our Wedding Inspiration Board

You can expect to find simple tutorials like how to diy some sweet little boutonnieres, crazy pretty bouquets, and a mish mash of all wedding related things. Take a looksie and get inspired! 

<3 Stevi

​(image source)


Zach & Leslie | Indianapolis Museum of Art | Indianapolis Wedding Photography

Stevi Waggoner

For our first wedding this year, we met Zach and Leslie at the Indianapolis Museum of Art for this sweet little elopement. They had an intimate city hall wedding with a dinner reception at St. Elmo's, but they still wanted to have some wedding portraits made and we were thrilled to be the photographers for the job. These two met as coworkers at the IMA, so the already gorgeous location felt even more special for them. I love the range of photos we were able to get because Z & L were adventurous and determined to grab some outdoor photos, even though it was 26 degrees and windy. I love them all, but the final series at the Garden Terrace are so elegant and romantic, they might just be my favorites.